The Grand Crusade
Unit Pack дляSupreme Commander Forged Alliance не очень большой, но хороший. Подробности читайте далее, но на английском языке..
Tech 3 Heavy Assault Tank
Tech 3 Amphibious Assault Tank
Tech 2 Raider Bike
Tech 3 Ambush Bot
Tech 2 Siege Sub
Cerberus Damage Fix
Tech 2 Destroyers Buildable on Land by Engineers
Firebeetle now deploys cloak and stealth when stationary, it will explode no matter where it`s enemy comes from and it`s explosion no longer damages nearby firebeetles. Also slightly increased the range and radius.
Tech 3 Graviton Annihilator
Tech 3 Heavy Assault Tank
Experimental Guardian
Increased Mercy HP to 20, buffed fuel time and turning rate.
Tech 3 Lightning Spire
Tech 3 Carpet Bomber
Tech 3 Rifter Gunship
Tech 2 Construction Sub
Tech 2 Underwater Power Generator
Tech 2 Underwater Mass Fabricator
Tech 2 Point Defence Damage Fix
Tech 2 Destroyer Damage Fix
Rifter Gunship textures fixed.
Carpet Bomber damage nerfed from 300 per bomb to 130 per bomb.
Generic Changes
Fixed bomber accuracy (Thanks Ragnarok_X)
Fixed Mex Bug
Added an accuracy hit to LABs in Transports
Returned T2 Transport HP to normal
Increased speed on T1 Transports to 12 and buffed their HP to 625 (705 for Seraphim)
Increased speed of Decievers to 4
Changed Seraphim Battleship Nuke. It no longer achieves orbital velocity and makes SMD waste shots.
Added Gowerly`s Adjacancy and Seraphim Regen Field bugfixes.
Added DeadMG`s Harbinger Shield bugfix.
And others.
Совместимость:Supreme Commander FA
Установка: стандартная
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